Sunday, March 13, 2011


"Creativity" comes from the word "create," whose root is the Latin root "cre-" which means "to make." Creativity starts with the basic level of constructing, shaping, forming.  It is at the very foundation of a work of art.  An artist can exercise creativity at every stage of the artistic process; even when doing something procedural, like mixing up plaster, the artist may add another step or ingredient that is exclusive to her and her style.  When in the finishing touches or editing stage, the artist tries to improve her work by tweaking the details until she is satisfied with the result, making it as strange, beautiful, disturbing, unique as she deems fit. 
"Creativity" can also be linked to "Creation," as in that of a higher power.  I am not trying to discuss religion here.  But it could be said that artists are like gods, bringing their creations to life, making their art in their own images with their own personal style.
Creativity is vital to art.  What role do you think it plays in other areas of life?

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