Saturday, April 30, 2011

Response to Andrea

Andrea Whitney asked: "Why do we insist on trying to say art is good or bad?"

Well, I think as with anything, we want to try to uphold standards.  It is the same with food.  If you're hungry (and in college), a McDonald's burger or Kraft Mac & Cheese can serve as a meal.  It might not even taste unpleasant.  But neither compares in taste or nutrition to, say, a salad and home-cooked chili.  The former two are indeed food, and depending on your definition, may or may not be bad.  They are, however, pretty much at the other end of the spectrum from the latter two.  This is a personal judgment of quality.  As food feeds our bodies, art can feed our minds, and we should be able to recognize good art and bad art, even if others don't agree with our opinions on the matter.  Just because something qualifies as art, doesn't mean we should stop thinking about and questioning its quality. 

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