Saturday, April 9, 2011

Response to Gina: Journey or Final Destination?

Gina asked, "Is art about the journey more than the final destination?"  I think the answer to this depends on who is being asked. 
Ask the actor, and she will say that it is about both, but more about the journey.  She works for weeks/months delving into the depths of a character's psyche, reading and rereading the play, picking apart her character's lines, determining her motivations, exploring nuances of tone and gesture.  Ask the choreographer, and he will give a similar answer.  Every movement he invents or selects is carefully chosen to express a song, theme, story or emotion.  Ask the author and she will tell you about the revision process.  Ask the director and he may tell you about the scenes on the cutting room floor.  Ask the visual artist and she will talk about all of the initial ideas that led to her masterpiece.  The process is often carried out with an end result in mind, but the process itself is the important part.
Ask the observer, and he will tell you that the final destination, the finished product, is the only thing of importance that he can see. 
None of them are wrong (though I might be).

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