Sunday, March 27, 2011


I think I could call myself an expert on distraction (I'm presumptuous like that).  Right now I'm staring at a gorgeous desktop background on a friend's computer and listening to energetic music.  I have eight tabs open in Internet Explorer, plus iTunes, email, and two assignments in Word.  I am constantly clicking between this window, Facebook, and Youtube to see what song is playing at any given moment (right now it's Tattoos Fade by World/Inferno Friendship Society).  I am young, sleep-deprived, and probably self-absorbed.  I would be considered rather unfit to judge art by Hume's standards.  However, I actually enjoy many works that are accepted by the art world.  I suppose that means I'm not entirely beyond hope.  But I suppose anyone who listens to, say, Lady Gaga (to go off a common class theme) would be considered too distracted.  It doesn't matter what a person "does right," if they like something "frivolous," there is something wrong with their judgment.  I wonder whether or not Hume ever liked any (art)works that another critic considered frivolous.

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