Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mystery: Response to Brycen

Brycen recently asked whether people are so attracted to art because it is mysterious without a definition.  I'm not sure that that's the only reason people are attracted to art, but it's an interesting thought.  An air of mystery is usually seen as an attractive quality in general.  I hate to seem like I'm saying the same thing two entries in a row, but I think Edvard Munch's painting, Ashes, has a beautiful quality of mystery to it.  What is the source of the figures' distress?  What happened before this scene?  When I look at this image, I take in the picture as a whole, and then the details, and my mind starts trying to answer the questions it asks.  I want to know the artist's intention, but I also want to keep it a mystery.  There is a part of me, I think, that wants to fill in the blanks myself; there is a part of me that cannot help doing just that.  Maybe that is why people are attracted to art: the mystery seems to leave room for the observer to see herself in the artwork. 
Do you think people enjoy art more when they can relate to it?

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